This is the class blog for Busn170 taught at FCC 2008. All students are required to make at least one meanningful post or comment per week.

Monday, November 17, 2008

What Is Management?

To get a work done or accomplish a task within the given resources is called management...
Through the major field of study selected by the student, he/she will receive a basic knowledge of a particular field in enough depth to be successful in every entry level positions in a career and to advance successfully to increased levels of responsiblility on the job. However, it is impoosible to predict what a person will need to know for success on the job twenty years from now, but we do know that in most jobs new knowledge will have to be mastered that does not even exist today.
Therefore, it is important to learn how to learn, how to think, how to solve problems, and how to communicate effectively than it is to focus narrowly on the content. The educational program is designed to help students develop these skills.

1 comment:

M. Umer Toor said...

And. 'Leading' is about creating a vision. A vision of the future, without ambiguity. That no one has seen by their naked-physical eyes. Its in the head, its in a theory, its in an work of artist,. Because, it is an art. It is an art work, becuase it involves three things: patience, discipline and practice. Primarily, of mind.


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