This is the class blog for Busn170 taught at FCC 2008. All students are required to make at least one meanningful post or comment per week.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Excecution of Change - But How?

First, allow me to go back to habit 1 and 2*:
I prioritize that on computer or on internet, nothing is necessary doing except writing on blog and reading or sending mails, etc, so on and so forth. But. I am always trapped by useless activities. Though. This question is very common, and too frequent to be exciting.

I recognize that Stephen Covey's success is twofold: one, that he has managed to prove the unavoidable need for humans of guiding principles for a successful and happy life (happiness = success + no regret at the end ...). Second, that his book gives us ''tools'' that are only effective, in the first place, and efficient for humans as managers.

Coming back to the querry, how do I change this situation? He says that I need to change my perceptions. Alright. ....... They are clear. ........ Now where's the change? Where do I start to bring about a change, from nowhere? I don't think I exactly know what COvey would have answered. But we have his key-book. That's why, I humbly ask you to explain even from your own point-of-view, if you wish to: how a lazy fish can change his habit(s) starting first in the head, only? Where's the tipping point?

(I earlier did try to put this question before you, but I had stretched the post** unnecessarily long. And, I didn't get satisfy.)

I request you to answer as soon as you can, because I think that I may know of a hint-an-answer, which is derived from an example given by Covey on paradigm-shift. Well, I have already given you the clue of a clue! Where's the clue?

* Habits 1 (Be Proactive), Habit 2 (Begin with the End in Mind) ; From, Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Posted By:
Muhammad Umer Toor,

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