This is the class blog for Busn170 taught at FCC 2008. All students are required to make at least one meanningful post or comment per week.

Friday, December 26, 2008



All things are created twice:

Habit two is based on the principle that all things are created twice.

There are two creations to all the things:

  1. Mental or First Creation

  2. Physical or Second Creation

To the extent to which we understand the principle of two creations and accept the responsibility for the both,we act within and enlarge the borders of our circle of influence.To the extent to which we do not operate in harmony with this principle and take charge of the first creation,we diminish it.

Leadership And Management:

Habit two is based on principles of

Personal Leadership,which means that leadership is the first creation.Leadership is not management.

Management is the second creation.

Management is a bottom line focus while leadership deals with the top line.

"Management is doing things right " & "Leadership is doing the right things".

Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success & Leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

Proactive powerful leadership must constantly monitor enviornmental changes.

No management success can compensate for failure in leadership.

Both are very much essential.

A Personal Mission Statement:

The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a pesonal mission statement.It focuses on what you want to be and to do and on the values or principles upon which being and doing are based.

A personal mission ststement based on correct principles becomes the same kind of standard for an individual.

Once you have that sense of mission,you have the essence of your own proactivity.

At The Center:

In order to write a personal mission statement,we must begin at the very center of our circle of influence.Whatever is at the center of our life will be source of four factors:

  • security

  • guidance

  • wisdom

  • power

A Principle Center:

Principles are deep ,fundamental truths,classic truths,generic common denominators.They are tightly interwoven threads running with exactness,consistency,beauty and strength through the fabric of life.

An understanding of the principles of our own growth enables us to search out correct principles with the confidence that the more we learn ,the more clearly we can focus the lense through which we see the world.The principles dont change,our understanding of them does.

Visulization And Affirmation:

Visulation is very important.If you visulize the wrong thing,you will produce the wrong thing.

A good affirmation has five basic ingredients:

  • personal

  • positive

  • present tense

  • visual

  • emotional

Mission Statements:

There are two mission statements:

  • Family Mission Statement

  • Organizational Mission Starement

The very process of writing and refining a mission statement becomes a key way to improve a family and an organization as well.The mission statement becomes a framework for thinking,for governing and for success.

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