This is the class blog for Busn170 taught at FCC 2008. All students are required to make at least one meanningful post or comment per week.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Umer Toor's Life Thinking Paper

‘And, I may Contribute A Verse’


 Name:  Muhammad Umer Toor

Roll Number: 12-10662

Course: BUSN 170


College/University: Forman Christian College, University Lahore.

 Honor Code:

“I declare that I have written this paper myself.” Signed Muhammad Umer Toor


Identification of Self

 Personal Evaluation


 ‘Be true to yourself’.

 My father has been teaching me this principle for more than a decade. In the days of childhood I could barely understand the meaning of this phrase (or perhaps a clause). But, as I grew and along with biological growth, my consciousness expanded, so did expand my understanding of it. And, it still is expanding. Writing my own life story is just another implication of this principle. Yes, this principle means following one’s own aspirations and interests, only then he can come to enjoy his life.

 However, this decision grows out from my consciousness of my existence. Thus, I recognized through self-awareness that man’s complete existence is linked eternally to an Absolute Being, we call as God/Allah. In this hierarchy of realities, He comes on the top and thus service to Him. His revealed code of life is my yard-stick in all matters of life.

 During my high-school days I came under the influence of poet-philosopher of Allama Muhammad Iqbal. A critic of Iqbal writes, “Iqbal’s philosophy, in its main strain, is the philosophy of ‘Self’. The Self is at once the starting and the basic point of his thought.” [Dr. Ishrat, 1991] According to Iqbal, Selfhood is the point of reference. Since when I came to understand this philosophy of ‘Self’ I saw my own Self as the absolute competitor I can compete. ‘That I am I,’ said D. H. Lawrence.

 Are you a proactive person or a reactive? Do you blame your social mirrors for things happening in your life?

I had since childhood given much of my time to reflection in order to satisfy my curiosities. This developed a sort of tolerance within me towards strange things happening to man, and an analytical way, instinctively, of reacting to problems. By giving top priority to understanding, I find myself better able to accept criticisms and find new ways to cope with problems.

 Proactivity is about taking initiation rather then just acting, or worst reacting, says Stephen Covey in his world famous 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I’ve not been a ‘natural leader’, who would emerge from a mob and take the lead. Rather, I’ve learnt that leaders can be made through self-endeavor and using their emotional intelligence. They do so with consistency and by basing their complete life on correct principles. However, I find in myself ability to take action in what interests and what is important to me.

 Moreover, with the understanding of philosophy of Selfhood I very seldom put blames on the changing of days and nights in my affairs!

 However, I have to admit in words of my teacher, which he said about himself fits right in with me as well, “At sometimes, in some parts of life I am proactive and in others I am not.” Therefore, I am not completely a proactive person neither a reactive in totality. The last sentence implies that I yet have to practice and principles to the extent they become my habits.

 What is your circle of influence like?

 I’ve given much time to understanding human life and the cosmos in which he bears central reference, as I mentioned earlier. But does that mean I’ve no regard for action?

 Most of our concerns require deeper understanding. Without which we may even fail in action and end up exhausting all of our energies. Knowing where to begin, while not allowing our pity prejudices come in our way, action is the last thing we need to worry about. In my circle of influence comes my family, my friends, my neighbors and global friends, which I’ve made through internet, sharing of healthy thoughts and books.

 I value knowledge, enlightened thinking and moral support, a few of those immaterial blessings which one can share with others without leaving their lives unaffected, apart from material help we can offer others usually.

 Circle of influence is determined by finding out as to where the focus of our energy and time lie most [Covey, 1999]. My findings are that my energy is directed towards positive ends. This means I can exercise influence over my concerns and reduce them to a feasible degree

 Where my center lies?

 ‘A noble person is one who dominates himself’.

-Frithjof Schoun.

 I’ve to refer back to the story of my life. Through the years, I have found myself stronger in rebelling against immoral ideas and deeds, especially of social evils. My father often talks about me in terms of events when I bluntly stopped him committing even a small violation of law. Such spirits may have been strong at most times during my life, while dull at some occasions as well, but even today I find peace in rebelling against falsehood and in binding to the truth. These words of Jst. (r) K. M. Samdani have left deep marks on my soul, “…Principles-precede-survival.”

 In my eyes the ultimate aim a human must have is dominating his own self which makes him neglect of the purpose for it was brought to the earth.

 How will you move towards becoming principle-centered?

 Being principle-centered is a strenuous job. However, I think that I can remain a principle-centered person by sticking to this motto: Be true to yourself. And, who knows not that conscience is the best judge of ours.


A Man on a Mission: 2024 A.D

 How are you creating value for your company, customers, family and community?

 Till I left the secure walls of academia, I recap some deeds I did: I gave my maximum free time during college days helping poor people in business, doing jobs almost free-of-cost and enjoying my family best as I could. 

And, now, it's 2024. I’m working, currently, for a Global For-Profit-Social-Enterprise (FOPSE) or Non-Profit Social Enterprise. Or, I am working at top-level in a Business Consultancy firm. I’ve a nice traditional family with many relatives, whom I enjoy the most. Or, I’m a DMG (District Management Group) civil servant of CSS cadre in Pakistan.

 As a Consultant - For Customers and Company: I create value to my company and customers by creating requirements, educating my customers [HBR: April 2008] and being proficient in strategic thinking and ‘best practices’ for business consultancy, and by delivering them services with efficiency, economy and effectiveness.

 I will design custom versions of my services so as to accommodate all sorts of customers. For instance, if someone does not like making choices, I provide him default option best suited for him and so on and so forth. [HBR: Nudge Your Customers Toward Better Choices, Dec 2008]

 As a Civil Servant (Manager): I add value being a civil management servant, ‘by conducting so fairly and partially that I win the confidence of my people without being unduly popular’. [The Whole Truth, M.R. Kayani] This cannot take place without adequate knowledge of my business.

 As Global Entrepreneur: As a team member in a global FOPSE or in any other place I’ve just mentioned, I’ve strong working relationships among my network of professionals. Apart from social networks, I get personal and professional support from my peers, family members, friends and mentors. I’ve support groups, we meet regularly and discuss openly and fearlessly. We’ve high tolerance for criticisms; we’re empathic listeners and our relationships deepen with every passing day. [HBR: Discovering Your Authentic Leadership, Dec 2008]

 Core Principle of Business – Personal & Professional Life: As my philosophy of life is centered on win-win agreements, I help people by producing results effectively and also by letting them capitalize on their energies. This has a double effect on us: we increase our production and production capability (P/PC) as well, being centered on win-win paradigms. [7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit # 4, by S. Covey]

 What are you trying to accomplish in life? What are your values?

 Being created with a Divine purpose, religion of Islam is my natural need. Then comes my personal life, I wish to live by my entire family members well enough before they’re gone. And in my professional life I wish to run my own business consultancy company and want to start my career as a Social Global Entrepreneur. And, if I had this opportunity of becoming DMG civil servant (who is not merely a government servant, as they serve in banks and all kinds of organizations globally), I’ll go for it in the first place, because it is earnest desire to become the man of the people.

 What I possess: For accomplishment in any of these cadres and fields, I shall be equipped with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from a globally acknowledged university (or, business school). And, then I did my Ph. D in business venturing related to 'finance'. 

During my studies, I tried not to miss even one opportunity of global exposure as an entrepreneur. On my path of contributing a verse (suffices it even if changes my own life) I have also equipped myself with a degree in law. This helps my to survive in corporate law world at my own.

 My Priorities, I’d Accomplish: Money is not my top priority, my passion and interests are one of my top priorities; and, more than that, I give prime importance to those traditions and conventions as carried down over hundreds of generations to me. Above all, money, fame etc, they can go but my family, friends and relationships once gone or broken - they’re irrecoverable losses I can ever incur.

 My Life-Mission Statement; My values:

 Fear: I shall not fear anything. I shall only fear God.

 Honesty: I will - be learning continuously, remaining honest and truthful in all affairs, first to my self.

 Father, mother and teachers: I will - serve them like a servant, help them in their lives, be supportive to them and seek their guidance.

 Empathy: I will be an empathic listener and speaker, as a manager, as a husband, father, brother, sister – in all aspects of my life.

 Knowledge and Love: I will always pursue for knowledge for it comes before action. And, love for myself, God, and people around them, helping them out with patience.

 Allah/God: I will submit my will to Him.

 Honor, integrity: I will strive to realize day in day out of my life this maxim, "Principles precede honor."

 Piety and faith: I will remain piety by fighting against my carnal soul, faith in good even if temporarily seems unlikely to succeed.

 Laziness: I am lazy. Therefore in some matters of quadrant two i usually delay in doing. This I’ll cope with being piety.

 Truthfulness: Speaking, truth doing truth and learning and knowing truth are the biggest values of my life, which I've been informed.

 Islam: - Islam is in me and outside me. It permeates throughout a Muslim society in all affairs. It’s impossible for a Muslim to be Muslim in mosque and someone else outside ritualistic space.

 Patience: I will strive to remain patient, which I’m not. This is what I’ll have to achieve in practice and action.

 Since life is an ongoing process, therefore my mission statement will also be changing throughout my life.

 What make you happy and give peace of mind?

 Spiritual practices of religion of Islam, receiving rays of knowledge, helping out people around me without any rewards, transmitting knowledge and charity and other practices give me a great deal of peace of mind.

I’ve my own intrinsic stimulations and it is a task of a leader to balance between outward notions of success –fame, money, status- and inward thresholds. [HBR OnPoint: Your Authentic Leadership, winter 2008]

 What are the key events that got you started on the road to your future?

 In last days of my high-school, I had lengthy debates with my father and mentors on the best role I should adopt that may do well to me and as well to my countrymen and nation. As a result, after much discussion and debates with experts, I came to identify how important is economy and business for a any country, and its place in man’s life (not excluding spiritual peace, of course). Thus I jumped from science studies, happily, to business/entrepreneur studies. And, now my old dream of being an administrator, which is just a synonym for ‘manger’, is to be realized now. I feel I have started to secure my position in the arts and sciences of business and management studies.

 During those crucial final days of college, I had also to demolish the dream of flying. But, I didn’t had to, nor did I make any compromise. This thinking of ‘demolishing’ a dream actually didn’t appear. It naturally faded away. My friends and family often wondered, rather everyone who knew me before and this passion of flying, as to be it had gone. I’m too clueless. Perhaps, intuitively and of course silently, the love for taking the road I am planning of now, dominated over personal passion for touching the skies – but as they say, sky is not the limit.


Short-term Marketing Plan


 What potential opportunities await you in the job market?

 Global Market Opportunities: My first and foremost initiative would be ‘going global’ as an employee in social organizations, most probably global for-profit social enterprise (FOPSE), or a multi-national as an MBA and researcher. My belief is that if you start thinking global from day one and tap all necessary resources and over take its unique challenges, there are stupendous opportunities for employees as well start-ups in global markets.

 In My Native Land: In my home country, there is a lot of potential for business consultancy in different kinds of business and institutions. Apart from business consultancy, government management cadre also promises bright future.

 The kind of companies I will work for and as a leader or employee:

Principally there are two or more than two ways in which an organization is structured. But the following two are better known than others.

 Traditional hierarchic [Management, 9th ed., by S. P. Robbins, Pg # 192] companies, in which boss sits at the top and everyone follows in order and rank.

 I am against this method of leading people as a leader/manager. I’ll lead as a manager or senior manager, my people by getting down in the trenches. Or, what is formally known as management by objectives (MBO) [Management, 9th ed., by S. P. Robbins, Pg # 192-193]. This mean “co-inventing” with my talented staff; while, on the hand if I am an employer that a leader, joining such a company will polish my skills and enhance my tendencies of innovativeness.

 How will each of these opportunities help you accomplish your long-term vision?

 My aim is to get in any of mentioned businesses or institutions as an employee in preceding section. Therefore, business venturing in next ten years is not an option I entertain most. Though having entrepreneurial skills with me, venturing will be an option after I gain enough experience in either global social enterprises or consultancies I join.

 My Diaspora networks and global social networking will help me ‘reaching out to contacts who can make referrals’. [HBR: Dec 2008]

With a clear understanding which market I can join, I believe there are hundreds of lanes which I can adopt in my ceaseless journey, yet the road shall remain straight being guided by correct principles of life. My values shall remain with me as they’re. As far as I stay bed rock on those values of leadership and goodness, I’ll gain credibility in my own eyes, and consequently this will help me achieve success effectively, as Covey describes them. [7 Habits of Highly Effective People, S. Covey]

 Continuous learning will broaden my vision at each step and thus my actions being more refined will prove to be productive and with the bonus of enhancement in Production Capability. [7 Habits…, Habit # 3, by S. Covey]

 What challenges you’ll have to conquer as you enter job market?

 As I enter in the global market, or even local, the biggest challenge that I foresee are leadership skills, innovation, competency and competition. In the present world of financial crisis, unique solutions are required.

I’ll conquer these challenges using my Emotional Intelligence (EI). The components of emotional intelligence are:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Social Skill

 How I will solve these problems (with consistent practice):

 I’ve from adolescence taught to be self-aware, i.e., ‘knowing one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals – and their impact on others.’ [Source of EI & rest: HBR OnPoint; What Makes a Leader? Winter 2008]

Driven by my passions and likenesses, motivation is what I’ve in abundance. Self-regulation comes from my education and rigorous practice and thinking. My social networking has taught me necessary skill how to make use of different forms of networking without having any element of manipulation in it.

 Another major challenge that I’ll have to face in my professional journey is integrating my professional life with my social and personal life.


Name 5 advisors

 1). Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Toor - my father who has a thirty year experience as a banker, and now runs his own business consultancy (financial, HR etc.) firm.

 2). Mr. Dr. Ajaz Ali Agha – a top level civil servant in DMG (District Management Group) cadre of Pakistan Civil Service.

 3). Mr. Mannan Amin – my teacher, qualified in entrepreneurship from a top-level university in the world.

 4). Mr. Parvaiz Panhwar – a guru, an intellectual (in business related studies), a young highly motivated bright banker and my personal friend.

 5). Mr. Javid Aslam – another civil servant of DMG cadre of Pakistan Civil Service, has served at deputation in various countries


Pick one:

 I chose to enter business consultancy field as the most likely candidate, yet other two options may remain as contingency or this path may serve as one. I’ll be providing different companies, government and other institutions financial consultancy and business venturing.


 Market Selection

 In what market do you want to work?

 I will choose to enter in one of the following markets based on the some choices, for instance, challenging environment with opportunities of professional grooming, extra-time granted for research work etc.

  • For-Profit Social Enterprise (‘Go Global’!)
  • Non-Profit Organization
  • Non-Banking Financing
  • Corporate Sector
  • Telcos
  • Oil and Gas Companies
  • Banks
  • Government, etc.

 Who are the customers you’ll serve in this market?

 Since this is not a business venture my customers and stakeholders will be those I’ve to deal as per my job description. My customers, to be specific, shall be my company’s clients.

 Do you want to work for an existing company or organization?

 As I have mentioned earlier, I’ll be, hopefully working with established or start-ups without being an owner of the venture.

 What bundle of services you’ll offer?

 I’ll be having the experience of being Research Assistant even during the time of job, if feasible. Therefore, with a thorough study of latest trends and theoretical knowledge I can offer my clients innovative and fresh ideas. In this time and age perhaps innovativeness and latest techniques and tools matter most which result in huge sums of profit. Thus, having access to modern scholarly works and research material my clients will have a ‘competitive edge’ over other companies. Moreover, using my expertise and knowledge I can offer rigorous services to my clients.

 I’ll provide solutions to start-up and business ventures based on my research work, professional and academic knowledge and skills.

 Product/Differentiation (I am the Product)

 My key Strengths:


  • As a thinker in strategy and planning:
  • Knowledge & expertise gained from top-level universities of the world:
  • Global Outlook and Experience as a Student:
  • Diaspora and social networking:
  • Solid Practice in Leadership values: 
  • Being a Research Assistant:
  • Knowledge in Business Venturing/Finance:

 How will you differentiate yourself from other candidates?

 Based on the strengths, I have the ingredients and stomach for global competition. I had had the opportunity of international entrepreneurial exposure during my education.

 Plus, with this I’ve tapped networking in the most effective way. It has three levels: Operational, ‘getting work done efficiently; maintaining the capacities and functions required of the group’, Personal, ‘providing referrals to useful information and contacts’, Strategic, ‘Leverage: creating inside-outside links oriented towards future’. [HBR OnPoint: How Leaders Create and Use Networks? Winter 2008]

 My win-win paradigm is bound to optimize relationships within the organizations and resulting in outward success.


 I would prefer for my global entrepreneurial exposure in business consultancy a sum of $1400.



What does your target company need from you?

 Business Consultancy on Finance: It requires best technical and theoretical knowledge, leadership and entrepreneurial experience.

 What do the customers the customers need from you?

 They require from me economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

 How well equipped are you to meet those needs?

 AS I’ve made clear in my preceding answers that I’ll be have competent and adequate knowledge of my work; entrepreneurial experience at global level; and, my innovative skills will help me cope with the needs to provide economy, efficiency and effectiveness to my customers.

 Strategic Fit

 How does the marketing strategy you’ve outlined above fit your mission? And is your strategy realistic, given your current strengths and weaknesses?

 Considering my level of education and international exposure and preparation for going global will definitely prepare me for any scenarios. And, focusing my time and energy on joining social-global organizations or companies, means I’ve following advantages:

  • “Social problems exist on a large scale in many developing countries. (There’s great room for start-ups and need of competent entrepreneurs.)
  • The resources – funds, institution, and governance systems – to tackle those issues are mainly in developed world.
  • FOPSE tackle specific conditions can often be adapted to other countries.”

(Source: HBR: The Global Entrepreneur, Dec 2008)


Reality Test:






Not Getting Job due to competition or competency

Acquire maximum knowledge and expertise for the job, now

Do aggressive marketing of my profile and skills

Use networking, meet people who can introduce into companies/organizations, and try hard; Or, start your own firm, in case all hopes die (since I’ll be having Business venturing knowledge as well)



 The ancients produced Personalities; we produce moral readers.

 Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Stray Reflections.

 This presents the deplorable condition of modern day man for he has rebelled against his archetypes, calling them as men of ‘Dark’ Ages and so on. My Life Thinking Paper is nothing but a discovery of the prototype role we’re discharged to perform within the span of our lives, so that loud trivial noises end; and seeds of love blossom in this world by the labor of love. I dedicate this fleeting inspiration of mine to my teacher, Sir Mannan Amin. I seek thy guidance!

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