This is the class blog for Busn170 taught at FCC 2008. All students are required to make at least one meanningful post or comment per week.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Fuzzy Vision: corporate vision and mission don't inspire people; lack of strategic alignment; people don't know where the organization is going and what it is trying to achieve in the future.

Lack of Leadership Skills: fear of change; leaders lack entrepreneurial spirit; leadership style on the part of management is either too directive or too hands-off; managers do not lead, they just administrate and micromanage; weak leadership development program.

Discouraging Culture: no shared values; lack of trust; blame culture; focus on problems, not opportunities; people don't have fun at work; diversity is not celebrated; failures are not tolerated; people lose confidence in their leaders and systems.

High Bureaucracy: bureaucratic organizational structures with too many layers; high boundaries between management layers; slow decision making; too close monitoring of things and subordinates; too many tools and documents discouraging creative thinking; bureaucracy is tolerated.

Lack of Initiative: poor motivation and encouragement; people do not feel their contributions make a difference; management fails to engage the organization effectively; people work defensively and not creatively, they do their job, and nothing more.

Poor Vertical Communication: people have no clue of the big picture and do not feel that their contributions are important; too much uncertainty; people don't know what top-managers are thinking and planning.

Poor Cross-functional Collaboration: functional mindset; lack of cross-functional goals and cross-functional collaboration spirit; functional, no enterprise-wide business process management; no cross-functional management committees; lack of or powerless cross-functional teams.

Poor Teamwork: no organizational commitment to team culture; lack of shared and worthwhile goals; weak team leaders; team members who don't want to play as part of a team are tolerated; teams are too large; lack of shared rewards.

Poor Idea and Knowledge Management: cross-pollination of ideas is not facilitated; no creativity, idea and knowledge management strategies and systems; "know-it-all" attitude; "not invented here" syndrome.

1 comment:

M. Umer Toor said...

"Fuzzy Vision"

Read Covey's 2nd habit; read HBR's article on the way successful companies inculcate their less than 35 word written or verbal strategies in their employees; talk to the companies who have their own service-oriented, highly effective culture; talk to teams (mix of all levels of employees) which work as a 'team' - one or two things will you notice every time. The first is the clarity of the mission statement, second is the participation in the making of those written constitution, free from the cruelty of "formal planning division"; and the most important one: words translated into actions by everyone at whatever official level in the organization. When mission statement fully realized by everyone in this way, we find whole organization to be highly motivated to provide excellent service even outside their official area responsibility, excellent team-work, ownership, collaboration, easy lateral communication, creativity for there is no politics going on and culture of innovation and free thought for excellent service encouraged and what not - but even so things are not purely 'pure'. No. It's all about balance.

Stephen is right. Fundamentals are fundamentals. A superstructure can only be built on strong foundations.

Humble regards!
